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понедельник, 15 апреля 2013 г.

Mount WebDAV folder on Ubuntu

  1. At first install davfs2-1.4.7:
    sudo apt-get install libneon27-dev
    cd ~/Downloads/
    wget http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/davfs2/davfs2-1.4.7.tar.gz
    tar xzf davfs2-1.4.7.tar.gz 
    cd davfs2-1.4.7/
  2. Once davfs2 is installed, confirm that the coda kernel module is loaded on your system with
    lsmod | grep coda
    1. If the module is not loaded, load it with
      modprobe coda
      and do one of the following to make it persistent: add a line to /etc/modules reading "coda"
    2. If the module is not loaded AND the above modprobe fails, recompile your kernel with built-in coda support or a coda module.
    3. If the module is already loaded, proceed to the next step.
  3. Try to mount manualy
    sudo mount -t davfs "http://sps.domain.com/folder/Sub Folder" /home/taras/davfs/sps
    Please enter the username to authenticate with server
    http://sps.domain.com/folder/Sub Folder or hit enter for none.
      Username: domain\username
    Please enter the password to authenticate user domain\username with server
    http://sps.domain.com/folder/Sub Folder or hit enter for none.
  4. Make folder mounted automaticaly:
      Add mount point to /etc/fstab (replace spaces by \040):
      http://sps.domain.com/folder/Sub\040Folder /home/taras/davfs/sps davfs noauto,uid=taras,file_mode=640,dir_mode=755,user 0 0
      Save your credentials to /usr/local/etc/davfs2/secrets (If an item contains one of the characters space, tab, #, \ or ", this # character must be escaped by a preceding \):
      /home/taras/davfs/sps domain\\user password

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